What Is Asynchronous Development?

What Is Asynchronous Development? The Rainard School Houston

What Is Asynchronous Development? There are many aspects to being gifted and one of such is asynchronous development. Asynchronous development is when your child exhibits advanced development in some areas but not others. This is common in gifted children as they may have a higher level of knowledge in certain areas, such as math or…

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Natural Consequences Are Best For Gifted Children, But Why?

Natural Consequences Are Best For Gifted Children, But Why? Rainard School

As a parent, it is your responsibility to provide and teach your children practical skills to deal with life situations in the future. It becomes increasingly important when your child is gifted. Usually, most parents think that it is ideal to incorporate discipline through the punishment and reward model; however, if you ask us, the…

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Relaxation Techniques for Gifted Children

Kids Yoga outside

Everyone experiences stress as a part of their lives, and some may be more predisposed to experiencing stress. It is imperative, however, to recognize that children experience stress just as adults do. Gifted children, in particular, may experience stress for various reasons, which can seriously impact their academic, social and emotional well-being. In this article,…

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Ways to Keep Gifted Students Motivated: Tips from Experienced Teachers

ways to Keep GT Students Motivated

As a teacher, it’s important to know how to keep all of your students motivated in the classroom. This is especially true for gifted students, who can easily become bored if they are not constantly challenged. Here we will discuss some tips that experienced teachers use to keep their gifted students engaged and motivated. Hopefully,…

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Helping Your Gifted Genius Overcome Anxiety, Shame & Overthinking

Helping Your Gifted Genus Overcome Anxiety, Shame & Overthinking Edit

Gifted children often face unique challenges that other children do not. They may be more prone to overthinking, anxiety, and shame. This can make it difficult for them to thrive in school and social settings. If you are the parent of a gifted child, it is important to help them overcome these challenges. Read on…

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Discipline and The Gifted Child: Which Parenting Style Is Best?

Discipline and The Gifted Child

Most of us are familiar with the parenting styles employed by prior generations of parents: strictly-defined rules that kept children under their control and punishments for stepping out of line, resulting in a child deprived of the opportunity to cultivate their decision-making skills. But is this a reasonable way to raise a child? Today, we…

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Why Is My Gifted Student Demotivated By School?

Gifted Student Demotivated By School

Parents and teachers alike commonly report confusion or disappointment regarding children who perform drastically below their potential. Sometimes, a gifted child may show dwindling enthusiasm for school as they progress through each grade. This may eventually reflect in their performance at school and lead to a cascade of problems with their motivation, behavior and self-esteem.…

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What Does Diversity Look Like at Rainard?

What Does Diversity Look Like at Rainard?

Diversity is a crucial part of our community at Rainard. We have students, faculty, and staff members from a wide variety of backgrounds, and see our diverse makeup as one of our biggest strengths. Read on to learn what diversity means to us and how we view diversity in our admissions process. Non-Discrimination Policy Rainard…

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