Rainard Core Belief — Gifted students benefit from an educational setting in which they experience a sense of belonging and support.
At Rainard we strive to provide a warm and accepting atmosphere in which students, families, faculty, and staff can support each other.
Every gifted student’s differences and diversity is embraced. Students encourage, inspire, and motivate one another through regular engagement and interaction.
Our environment fosters personal responsibility, empathy, ethical behavior, productive citizenship, and mutual respect.
Students are encouraged to find meaningful ways to serve both the school and the greater community.

Student Centered
Rainard Core Belief — Many gifted students are asynchronous learners and have intense interests that require an individualized approach to their education.
Our small class sizes, low student/teacher ratio, multi-age/multi-grade classrooms, and personalized instruction is designed to meet the needs of each of our gifted students.
Students’ academic, social, and emotional needs are nurtured through our school’s intimate setting, through our curriculum that emphasizes responsibility and caring, and through the interactive nature of our indoor and outdoor spaces.
We celebrate and reinforce the gifted student’s own interests through experiential and problem-based learning tailored to the individual.

Rainard Core Belief — The divergent and multimodal thinking of gifted students creates an intense desire for exploration and in-depth knowledge.
We support gifted student inquiry through engaging learning experiences; such as frequent field trips, self-directed projects, and collaboration with peers.
We emphasize critical thinking through creative and innovative problem-solving, communication and teamwork skills, and information literacy.
Our program develops leadership skills, encourages character-building experiences, and promotes a lifelong joy of learning.

A Cognia Accredited School
Cognia Performance Standards are at the heart of continuous improvement and accreditation. They define the characteristics of a good education institution and provide guidelines for efforts that will energetically and visibly grow learners, teachers, leaders, and organizations.