GT Schooling
Why Is My Gifted Student Demotivated By School?
Parents and teachers alike commonly report confusion or disappointment regarding children who perform drastically below their potential. Sometimes, a gifted child may show dwindling enthusiasm for school as they progress through each grade. This may eventually reflect in their performance at school and lead to a cascade of problems with their motivation, behavior and self-esteem.…
Read MoreWhat is the Difference Between Public Schools and Gifted Private Schools?
Choosing the right school for your gifted child can be an overwhelming task. With so many options, parents often wonder which program will be the best fit, not only for their child’s academic needs but also their social and emotional ones. Let’s explore the key differences between public schools and private schools for gifted children.…
Read MoreThe Challenge of Meeting the Unique Needs of Gifted Children
The term “gifted” gets thrown around a lot, especially in mom circles. Many parents believe their child is gifted, but is there actually an objective measurement of “giftedness” versus being intelligent or high performing? While a definitive test to identify a gifted child doesn’t exist, experts agree that gifted children most often display certain traits…
Read MoreWhy Does My Gifted Child Hate School?
School is back in session after a summer of excitement and down-time. The alarm clock is sounding earlier these days! The struggle is REAL!!! It is entirely possible that many students were moving a little slowly getting to school in time for the bell the first week back. There was probably a bit of groggy…
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