Giving to Rainard

Support Beyond Tuition

As an independent private school, we rely on generous contributions from parents, alumni, friends, corporations, and private foundations to support our operating budget. Our outstanding faculty, field trips, classroom supplies, campus maintenance, and more are made possible thanks to the support of those who believe in Rainard and our mission.

It is through the generosity of many donors that we are able to maintain our educational excellence and to offer an exceptional range of learning opportunities. Every aspect of school life at Rainard reflects these gifts.

gifted child Rainard School
Contact Rainard

The Annual Rainard Gala | Saturday, April 26, 2025

Rainard Gala 2025 | Galactic Gala

Rainard Galactic Gala 2025

Join us for an out-of-this-world experience at Rainard's Galactic Gala! Get ready to blast into some fun with dinner, drinks and dancing. This in-person event promises an evening filled with cosmic decorations, stellar music, and intergalactic vibes. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this unforgettable night!

Our annual Gala is always loads of fun for all! Get your ticket by using the form below. Silent auction donations are also appreciated, please contact us for more information.

Purchase Your Tickets Here

Photos from Past Galas | Thank you to all of our Gala sponsors!!


Ways to Donate

Every Donation Matters

Donate Online Now

The easiest way to donate is online right here and now! Online donations are processed securely through Paypal. To get started click the Paypal "Donate" button to the right.

General Fund

We appreciate the contributions of cash, check, or money order. Please make checks and money orders payable to Rainard.

By Phone

We happily accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover Card over the phone


Making a stock/appreciated security gift may provide tax benefits to the donor. Please consult with your financial planner. Contact us for transfer instructions.

Classroom Technology

Direct donations of classroom technology are always needed and appreciated.


Contribute to our scholarship fund and help a GT student get the education they deserve at Rainard.

The Fox Commitment Campaign

One of Rainard's Most Important Fundraisers  |  November 28, 2023 - January 12, 2024

The 2023-2024 school year Fox Commitment Campaign has closed. Please stay tuned for information about the 2024-2025 campaign!

About The Campaign

Rainard’s Fox Commitment Campaign (FCC) is one of our school’s most important fundraisers. We hope you will join us to help cover the cost of campus improvements and invest in the academic enrichment of our students. This year the campaign will take place from November 28th through January 12th.

How Are FCC Funds Used?

The FCC is specifically for the purpose of raising funds that are used for academic enrichment, making improvements to school grounds, attract and retain great GT teachers, and more. Your contributions help ensure that all Rainard students continue to have what they need to excel. Your donation may be big or small, but we do ask that every family participate in some way.

Donor Benefits

Large and small donations include contribution incentives! These are car magnets, banner recognition along the outside fence of the school for those passing by to see, personalized pavers, donor wall recognition inside of the school, and even tickets to the gala. Check out the giving table below to learn more!

A Cognia Accredited School

Cognia Performance Standards are at the heart of continuous improvement and accreditation. They define the characteristics of a good education institution and provide guidelines for efforts that will energetically and visibly grow learners, teachers, leaders, and organizations.