GT Schooling
Preschool Versus Daycare | The Advantages of a School Setting for Educational Success
Any Houston Kindergarten teacher will tell you there is a clear difference between a Kindergartener who has been in daycare and one who has been in preschool. Children who have experienced a preschool environment are better prepared for a school learning environment. They understand the basic functions of how school works; sitting at a table,…
Read MoreRainard Open House 2024, You’re Invited!
Considering Rainard School For Gifted Students for your child or just want to learn more about who we are? Join us for a community open house Sunday, February 25th from 10am-2pm! Tour our campus Meet teachers, faculty and staff See our classrooms View student projects Get admissions questions answered Enjoy light bites and more Please…
Read MoreThe Importance of An Early Childhood GT Education
Fostering gifted and Talented (GT) students during their formative years of early education plays a crucial role in shaping the intellectual development of their young minds. Identifying and nurturing gifted students from an early age is essential for fostering a love for learning. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of GT education…
Read MoreThe Crucial Role of Community for Gifted and Talented Students
Gifted and talented schools, like Rainard, offer a unique opportunity to GT students; a GT community. One of our core beliefs is that gifted students benefit from an educational setting in which they experience a sense of belonging and support. Gifted and talented children possess a unique set of abilities which set them apart academically,…
Read More5 Educational Benefits of Field Trips
Most parents remember classroom field trips with fondness. Field trips take learning beyond desks and crowded classrooms and into real life. They provide a unique opportunity for students to engage with the curriculum in a hands-on and immersive way. Many Texas schools are limiting field trips to once a year, or removing them all together.…
Read MoreIs Homework Really Effective? We Don’t Think So.
The debate surrounding homework’s effectiveness is not new. For decades, educators, parents, and researchers have discussed whether assigning homework truly benefits students. Those in favor of it argue it instills discipline, reinforces classroom learning and prepares students for the workplace. Critics of homework maintain that homework can be counterproductive, has little to no correlation to…
Read MoreExploring the Difference Between GT Schools and Traditional Schools | Empowering Students for Success
The GT school model, such as the Rainard Model, differs greatly from traditional school. Let’s delve into the distinct features of the GT school model and compare them with traditional schools. GT School Model | Emphasis on Critical Thinking GT curriculum focuses on nurturing the unique intellectual capabilities of gifted students. Schools like Rainard recognize…
Read MoreWhat Is Asynchronous Development?
What Is Asynchronous Development? There are many aspects to being gifted and one of such is asynchronous development. Asynchronous development is when your child exhibits advanced development in some areas but not others. This is common in gifted children as they may have a higher level of knowledge in certain areas, such as math or…
Read MoreThe Importance of Friendship and Community for the Gifted Child
Friendship and community are important for your gifted child, but their needs and expectations differ from those of other children.
Read MoreRelaxation Techniques for Gifted Children
Everyone experiences stress as a part of their lives, and some may be more predisposed to experiencing stress. It is imperative, however, to recognize that children experience stress just as adults do. Gifted children, in particular, may experience stress for various reasons, which can seriously impact their academic, social and emotional well-being. In this article,…
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